Tuesday, May 6, 2014

About Project 81

Inspired by some blog sites I came across while researching on places to go, I am taking on a new personal challenge - see all 81 provinces (as of May 7, 2014) of the Philippines before I turn 35.

I have seen 36 provinces which leaves me 45 more to visit in a little over 3 years. Like many adventure blogs are, I hope Project 81 will be helpful to fellow wanderers and wonderers out there.

Cheers to more exploring! 


  1. if my schedule and budget permit, i'll be happy to tag along ;) che-cheers!

  2. Loving this blog. And the entry on Batad! Looking forward to more articles and hopefully tag along in some of your adventures =)

  3. Thanks Rons! This is my nth attempt to blog and I hope I can sustain it. The style is very simple, no story-telling, I guess it would help me keep up with it :)

    Cheers to more adventures and exploring! :D
